1. From the Tableau Home Screen click “Explore” found on the left side of the screen
  2. From the “New” Drop down click “Workbook”
  3. In your new workbook, you will immediately see a “Connect to Data” pop-up. From here you can connect to data already uploaded onto Tableau Online, files and data sources. For this lab, we are going to establish a connection to Dremio by clicking on “Connectors”
  4. From the connectors tab, select Dremio. Another pop-up will appear asking for the Dremio server information to establish a connection. Enter the following information:
    Product: Dremio Cloud
    Server: This field will automatically populate to show “sql.dremio.cloud (US)
    Authentication: Select “Personal Access Token” from the drop down
    Password: Enter your Personal Access Token that you generated in Dremio during step
    Once you have entered the correct information, press “Sign-In”